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Why We Need to Actively Build An Employee Listening Strategy

#employeeengagement #employeelistening #stayinterview

Most of the leaders I know (and that probably includes you) have amazing intentions when it comes to listening to employee feedback.

However, a common misconception I often encounter in my role as a consultant specializing in employee listening is that some leaders believe problems will naturally rise to their attention.

In other words, these leaders think this: “My employees are going to feel comfortable sharing with me.”

But here's what we forget as leaders – for our employees, communicating up can often feel risky.

This is why the best leaders among us are going to be people who don't just wait for problems to float to the surface, but actively move towards employees to gather feedback.

And that’s why I highly recommend that you spend time figuring out a way to build a robust employee listening strategy that moves towards the feedback, across the employee lifecycle.

We can't afford to wait and hope that the feedback will float to the surface.


Check out this PDF download to help foster meaningful conversation between you and your employees! ⤵️

Click here to download a PDF called 25 Open Ended Stay Interview Questions which was created to help foster more meaningful connections between you and your teammates. 🤝

It's a powerful way to send the message to your employees the message that you value their insight and their input.  💛


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