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Leaders, Your Weaknesses Can Point to Your Strengths

#employeeengagement #employeeretention #leadership #strengthsbasedleadership

Leaders, you know the stuff that you just beat yourself up about when you're lying your head on the pillow at the end of the night?

The stuff where you think: “Oh, if I could just be a little bit more of this” or “a little less of this”.

Maybe you feel like you're 'too much' as a leader, or maybe you feel like you're not enough.

Here's some encouragement for you. 💛

One reason that you struggle with certain things in your job is likely because of natural talent and strength that you bring to the table.

For example, do you struggle with staying organized?

It might be because you bring creativity and innovation to the table.

 Do you struggle with creativity and innovation and feel like you're not on the cutting edge?

It might be because your brain is wired for structure and predictability. 

So quit beating yourself up about what you aren't, and instead, figure out how you can leverage your strengths to work around the weaknesses that can get in your way at work.


Check out this PDF download to help your teammates grow in their professional journey! ⤵️

Click here to download a PDF called Individual Development Plan Template.

I hope it starts encouraging conversations with your employees as you come alongside them in their growth journey. May we continue to be leaders that empower growth every step of the way! 💪

Hey, thanks for being here and for watching/reading. My goal is to consistently create content that's engaging, applicable, and inspires you to continue learning and growing as a leader. If you have ideas for future content or any questions at all, please shoot me an email at: [email protected].

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