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Balancing Motivation with Practical Leadership Tools when Training People Managers

#employeeengagement #employeeretention #leadership

Here's one of the biggest mistakes I see organizations make when training their people managers.

I see this happen a lot: Organizations will often bring in a phenomenal speaker or motivator and share a message with brand-new managers that is usually something like this: "Leadership isn't hard. It's just about caring for people."

And while I understand the intention behind that, I wonder how helpful they are. I've talked to many brand-new managers who will say that that kind of message can oftentimes send the wrong message.

They say, "All it does is make me feel shame that I'm not getting the outcomes that I need, that my team needs, and that my organization needs."

While it's important to inspire and mobilize new managers to see themselves as leaders, it's equally important to equip them with concrete, practical, evidence-based tools and strategies. These tools are what will truly help them achieve the outcomes they and their teams need. 

Training can't just be motivational, my friends. It also has to be very practical.

And here's a free PDF download with one of my favorite tools to help you have meaningful conversations and get input from your teammates! ⤵️


Click here to download this PDF called 25 Open-Ended Stay Interview Questions. 🤝

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