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Growing in Self-Awareness as You Climb the Leadership Ladder

#employeeengagement #employeeexperience #employeejourney #employeeretention

Leaders, I've got some bad news. ๐Ÿ˜”

Research consistently shows that as you climb the leadership ranks, statistically, you are more likely to become less self-aware over time. ๐Ÿ“‰

Now, that always surprises people. Because they think that theoretically, if "I'm climbing the leadership ladder, I have more experience under my belt. I've gotten more feedback".

But here's the truth. ๐Ÿ—

As you climb the ladder and as your status and power grow, the people who work with you and under you on that organizational chart are going to be less likely to tell you the truth about how they experience you and your leadership.

Because from their perspective, there's often too much at stake.

One of the only ways that you, as a leader, can combat that is by moving toward your employees on a consistent basis to ask for feedback. ๐Ÿค

And moving towards them with humility and consistency – asking for their thoughts and opinions about how they experience you.

Your open-door policy is not going to be enough. ๐Ÿšช

You have to move toward your employees to get feedback.

Here's also a free download to help you start conversations that encourage honest feedback. โคต๏ธ

Click here to download your copy of the PDF called "25 Open-Ended Stay Interview Questions."

It's a great tool for checking in with your teammates and sending the message that you are invested in their journey through your organization. ๐Ÿ’Œ


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