806.632.4908 | [email protected]


Hi, there! I'm LeAnne and I want to help you engage, retain, and develop your employees.

I am deeply convicted –

Strategic communication drives high-engagement and high-performance cultures.

But unfortunately, most organizations struggle to engage and retain top talent and equip their people-managers to drive peak performance. 

In fact, according to the Gallup Organization, only 34% of employees are engaged in their work and workplace, and 16% are what we call actively disengaged.

And that's exactly why it's my passion and personal mission to equip leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to drive engagement, retention, and performance.

As a former Communication Professor turned consultant, my approach will always be rooted in the science of people and in the art of influencing change through strategic communication.

So if you're ready to optimize your employee engagement and retention strategy, let's schedule a call to see if I can help. 


Emily Young, Philanthropic Initiatives Director, Covenant Health Foundation

"LeAnne is a great resource to help navigate staff challenges and needs.  She will work hands on with you to find solutions that actually benefit your organization and your team.  She will be a real difference maker for your team!"

Chelle Hillis, Assistant Chief Financial Officer, Texas Tech University System

"LeAnne is unlike any other consultant I’ve ever worked with in that she takes such a thoughtful approach to the situation and more importantly the specific personal attributes of those involved in any given situation to produce more directly tailored outcomes."

For as long as I can remember...

I've been curious about the uniqueness of people.

  • "What makes this person tick?"
  • "Why did they respond that way?"
  • "What patterns of behavior can I spot?"

As a child, that curiosity led me to complete approximately 1,000 personality quizzes (albeit bad ones) and hone my people-watching skills any chance I could get.

So it's no surprise that, as a college student, I studied communication and psychology and was 100% that student reading my textbooks for fun.

I went on to earn my M.A. in Communication Studies from Texas Tech University, where I also discovered a passion for teaching. Serving as a graduate teaching assistant, I learned how to engage audiences and facilitate discussion – two skills I lean on every day as I serve my clients.

After being hired as a faculty member in the College of Media and Communication, I suddenly found myself responsible for training and leading a large staff.

Suffice it to say I was a hot mess. 

Curious to find out how I got from there to here? Click the + button below to keep reading.



I can't wait to hear yours.